"The thief comes not, but to kill and to steal and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10
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Halter Bridle 1's, are great for smaller ring bits, or shanked bits with short purchases.
Since 1999

Add an extra set of stainless steel rings to your halter/bridle, to make it even more versatile! Use with bits hangers, or side straps. Giving you more options! $ per pair.
A simple, yet durable chin strap. Made out of premium polyester flat braid rope. A great addition to your halter bridle combo. $.

Removable bitless straps can be added to your halter/bridle, to make your set even more versatile. Your halter/bridle just needs to have noseband rings. Check out the Removable bitless straps page for more info!
Click color chart for larger view.
Halter Bridle 2's, are great for all bits. Click on buttons for more info or to order.